About Us

About Houyam

Nature At The Service Of Your Beauty

Houyam mission is to elevate, enable, approve, and eventually assemble confidence in ladies around the globe through astounding items that empower both inward and external beauty and otherworldly edification while additionally giving chances to self-improvement and budgetary reward.

About Houyam

We are making better your lifestyle

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Years of experience

Houyam is a Moroccan organic care brand, A wide range of natural and effective organic cosmetics, rich in essential oils for face, body and hair care.

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Loyal Customer

Houyam products are extracted from nature, which increases the demand inside and outside of Morocco

You have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some questions and their answers. If you have other questions, click on the contact us page, and the support team will answer your questions.

Yes, according to the product, we produce in the thousands.

Yes, Houyam is certified by the Moroccan Ministry of Health ONNSA, and CCPB is an inspection and certification body for agri-food and non-food products, and certified by l’agriculture biologique, and by the The European Union organic label is a quality label certifying that a marketed product complies with the European Union regulation on organic farming, based on the prohibition of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.